ZW HR Consulting was commended for “Best Overseas Operation” at the recent GR Asia Pacific Awards 2018 in Singapore. The Award is a recognition to the tremendous effort of the entire ZWHR team in delivering the best of services across Asia to our partners.近日,在新加坡举办的2018 GR亚太颁奖典礼上,仲望咨询荣获“最佳海外运营”奖。自成立来,仲望咨询一直致力于为我们的客户及候选人提供最优质的服务,该奖项是对仲望咨询全体员工努力工作的认可。Thank you to all our staff, clients and candidates that continue to drive us forward! You are our main reason for our consistent growth and success of our operations across Asia.感谢我们的所有员工,客户以及候选人!仲望咨询的成长离不开你们的支持!GR亚太颁奖典礼:The Global Recruiter Asia Pacific Industry Awards 2018 have been handed out to Winners and Highly Commended at an exciting and entertaining ceremony held in Singapore. Hosted by The Global Recruiter’s commercial director, Gary King, the Awards were Associate Sponsored by Aquis Search.2018 GR 亚太颁奖典礼在新加坡举办,旨在表彰在招聘行业做出巨大贡献或成绩斐然的企业。本次颁奖由GR商业总监 Gary King主持, Aquis Search赞助。